Privacy matters but it can be confusing. This page explains our approach to privacy on all our Big Fish websites and how it affects you.
We collect anonymous statistics about your visit, like which of our pages you viewed. Some third parties like Facebook and Twitter may know you visited this website, if you use their services. We can’t control them, but we don’t believe this knowledge poses any threat to you. If you sign up with us we take great care to keep your information safe and we’ll never share it with others without your express permission. We never share your data with third parties except to help us deliver our own services. We do not store customer credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties
These are just the key points. If you need detail, keep reading.
Measuring our visitors
We measure visitors to our website using Google Analytics. This records what pages you view within our site, how you arrived at our site and some basic information about your computer. All of that information is anonymous – so we don’t know who you are; just that somebody visited our site.
The information we collect from analytics helps us understand what parts of our sites are doing well, how people arrive at our site and so on. Like most websites, we use this information to make our website better.
You can learn more about [Google Analytics](http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html "Goole Analytics") or [opt out if you wish.](https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout "Opt Out")
Facebook, Twitter and other social networks
These services provide social buttons and similar features which we use on our website – such as the “Like” and “Tweet” buttons.
To do so we embed code that they provide and we do not control ourselves. To function their buttons generally know if you’re logged in; for example Facebook use this to say “x of your friends like this”. We do not have any access to that information, nor can we control how those networks use it.
Social networks therefore could know that you’re viewing this website, if you use their services (that isn’t to say they do, but their policies may change). As our website is remarkably in-offensive we imagine this is not a concern for most users.
We may send you email notifications regarding your service (such as invoices) or which you have specifically requested (such as newsletters or notifications when a report is completed). You have the ability to opt out of any of this communication at any time.
We will never provide your personal information or email address to any third parties except where they are specifically employed to help deliver our own services, as detailed above.
Big Fish take many precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. These precautions include:
- Use of SSL encryption for sensitive data
- Hardware stored in secured datacentres behind firewalls
- All access to information restricted by password and/or secure key
- Restrictions to what information can be accessed via any location
- Whilst we take great care to ensure any confidential information remains protected we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet.
Of course you are responsible for keeping your password and user details confidential. Nobody at Big Fish will ever ask you for your password, so please don’t trust anybody asking you for it.
Updates to this policy
We may update this privacy policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version. We may also notify you of changes to our privacy policy by email.
Your Personal Information
We request personal information about you and your vehicle within this form for the purposes of contacting you whilst your vehicle is in our care. We do not use this information for marketing purposes nor do we sell information on to third parties. We store information such as your name, email address and contact telephone number on our internal systems for a period of no longer than three calendar years. After this time period your personal information will be destroyed via confidential waste. You have the right to ask for you information to be removed from these systems at any point before this deletion date.
On Site Recording
Privacy law is of the upmost importance when recording video or audio. You must ensure that you have the expressed permission of anyone in the general vicinity during your recording, this includes Big Fish staff and other customers who are also on site. Where possible Big Fish staff would prefer not to appear in any video, audio, or photography, we will happily move out of your way if you ask us to.
Dash Cameras:
The use of dash cameras is strictly prohibited in the Big Fish workshop due to the sensitive nature of
equipment and processes which may be recorded by such devices. If your vehicle is fitted with a dash camera please ensure that it is removed or switched off prior to the vehicle entering the workshop. If you forget, we will turn it off.
The Information Commissioner's Office ('ICO') states motorists who are recording with a dash cam are 'data controllers' under the purposes of GDPR and must comply with relevant legislation. Thus, users should display a clearly visible sign or sticker, on or inside the vehicle, indicating that filming is taking place and they should also provide certain details, either verbally or by way of a policy sheet, concerning the use of the data.
The image of a person recorded by a dash cam constitutes as personal data under GDPR as it enables an individual to be identified in the same way as other surveillance systems. If the vehicle is shared with anyone else, as is the case with shared use vehicles such as taxi services or coaches, or if there is simply someone else in the vehicle, they must be informed that in-car audio is being recorded. Failure to inform others that they are being recorded is a breach of privacy for which there are legal consequences. If a dash cam is in use for security or accident liability purposes, individuals should be aware that the publication of footage, for example on social media platforms, risks infringing the privacy rights of recorded individuals and provisions of the GDPR.
Our site is fitted with CCTV cameras at numerous points within the waiting room, tuning cell, rear workshop and externally. These cameras are in place purely for security purposes and have a maximum storage capacity of 30 days. Any footage recorded will be used solely for security purposes and will not be shared online or via any social media channels. You have the right to request the early deletion of any footage in which you are identifiable.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your personal data, please write to us by email to or by post to Big Fish Garage, Unit 18 Ellerbeck Way, Stokesley Industrial Estate, Stokesley, North Yorkshire, TS9 5JZ, United Kingdom.